Our Mission
Ensight’s mission is to provide people with low vision the services and resources that empower independent and productive living.

Serving and Supporting People with Low Vision
The Ensight Skills Center provides vision rehabilitation services to anyone having difficulty with activities of daily living related to vision loss. Opened in 2001 through a partnership between The Fort Collins Lions Club and Ensight’s founder and past CEO Denny Moyer, our low vision center employs a team of low vision specialists that help you use your remaining vision and teach you skills so you can remain independent and active.
Ensight’s services benefit those living with visual impairments that are not correctable through medical intervention. While there are many causes of vision loss from degenerative eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy to neurological events such as a stroke or head injury, or injury to the eye., in most cases, there are no medical treatments that will bring vision back. Yet no matter what the cause or nature of vision loss, visual rehabilitation services can help optimize the use of remaining vision through training and adaptive aids.
Our Partners
Ensight’s Comprehensive Program is funded by the Older Individuals who are Blind federal program as well as the Larimer County Office on Aging, the Weld County Area Agency on Aging, and the Boulder County Area Office on Aging. These organizations help individuals access services and needed equipment.
To learn more about how our low vision specialists can help your or your family member, visit our Services page. You can also learn about key staff, financial structure, volunteer opportunities, and ways to donate. If you would like more information, please contact us anytime.
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