Emotional response to vision loss: Finding support

man holding his head in his hands

Whether you were recently diagnosed with a vision disorder or are experiencing ongoing changes in sight, you may be grappling with a range of intense emotions.  Grief, fear, anger, and frustration are common responses to vision loss:  they are normal and you are not alone in feeling them.  Vision loss affects your lifestyle, family, and community life.  It brings great changes and new challenges.  But support is available, and there is an abundance of resources and helpful individuals to assist you as you learn to both cope and to thrive. 

Some may need counseling or adjustment support.  Often a support group meets the need for aid in that it provides connection with others experiencing vision loss and an opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings and to learn ways to adjust.  In addition, learning adaptive skills and using time-tested tools can be an enormous help to confidence and lead to thriving. 

Ensight provides an assessment and skills training with low vision trained eye doctors and occupational therapists who understand what your are going through.  Join our support group, or sign up for Adjusting to Vision Loss coaching for one on one support.  There are also numerous resources online for those times at home where you want to connect with others or hear their stories of adjusting, finding help, and living fulfilling lives.  Some are listed below in this blog.


American Printing House for the Blind, APH Connect Webinars

Coping with Your Feelings About Losing Vision: How to find Help and Support

Hadley: Adjusting to vision loss Support and Resources

  • Coming to Grips with Vision Loss
  • Tools for Talking about Vision Loss
  • Asking for Help and Turning it Down Too
  • Partner to Build Skills and Boost Confidence



Emotional Support/Coping with Vision Loss