Digital app provides help to people with glaucoma

Glaucoma (NEI)

This March during World Glaucoma Week researchers from City University London, supported by Allergan Pharmaceuticals and Glaucoma UK released the latest edition of an app to help people newly diagnosed with glaucoma.  The Glaucoma in Perspective app provides glaucoma education in a simple, visual, jargon-free, easy to use format, which helps patients and their families… Continue reading Digital app provides help to people with glaucoma

Starbucks is focusing on accessibility for people with low vision

Starbucks coffeeshop now offers all of its customers at its stores free access to Aira, a smartphone app that connects blind and low-vision people with visual interpreters, as part of the coffee giant’s push for more inclusive retail.  The app, which is free to download, offers various monthly subscription plans based on the number of minutes needed. Starbucks… Continue reading Starbucks is focusing on accessibility for people with low vision

Ensight’s Online Low Vision Education Series Provides Helpful Tips

Living with low vision means making many adaptations and learning new ways to do old things.  If you want to keep learning about new technologies, techniques, and the latest news about eye disorders, you may want to attend Ensight’s online presentations.  You can now watch Ensight Low Vision Education Series from the comfort of your… Continue reading Ensight’s Online Low Vision Education Series Provides Helpful Tips

Accessible Voting 2020

Are you wondering how to vote in the November 2020 election?  The following accessible voting options are available for Colorado voters who have low vision.  This information was provided by the Larimer County Elections Division  (Vote Larimer.Org):  If you live in Colorado in other counties, please visit your local Secretary of States’ website as well… Continue reading Accessible Voting 2020

Exercise May Slow or Prevent Macular Degeneration

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]From Exercise can slow or prevent the development of macular degeneration and may benefit other common causes of vision loss, such as glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy, new research suggests. The new study from the University of Virginia School of Medicine found that exercise reduced the harmful overgrowth of blood vessels in the eyes of… Continue reading Exercise May Slow or Prevent Macular Degeneration

Low vision safety during COVID19

Ensight Skills and Curtis Strong Center are open for appointments!  We are following CDC guidelines:  masks are required, and we are cleaning thoroughly between client visits.  Doors are closed to walk ins.  Our low vision occupational therapists are also making home visits for those who need and want them. Our low vision support group is… Continue reading Low vision safety during COVID19

Director Adam Morse releases new movie, reveals he’s blind

Actor Laurie Calvert and Director Morse

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Adam Morse always wanted to make films. The 28-year-old from Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom, began to lose his eyesight in 2009, and he told The Guardian that at that time his confidence, mobility, and social interactions were all profoundly affected. He was diagnosed with Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy, a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder. But he… Continue reading Director Adam Morse releases new movie, reveals he’s blind

Studies Show Mediterranean Diet May Lower Advanced AMD Risk

ARVO 2018: Mediterranean Diet May Lower Advanced AMD Risk Reprinted with the permission of the Foundation Fighting Blindness. By Ben Shaberman on May 1, 2018 Several research studies have suggested that the Mediterranean diet (MeDi) – which is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, and fish – may be good for your health, including lowering your risk of… Continue reading Studies Show Mediterranean Diet May Lower Advanced AMD Risk

Ophthotech Launching Human Study of Emerging Therapy for Stargardt Disease

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]  Reprinted with permission from the Foundation Fighting Blindness Blog Ophthotech, a biopharmaceutical company developing therapies for eye diseases, has enrolled the first patient in its Phase 2b clinical trial of Zimura® for people with Stargardt disease caused by mutations in the gene ABCA4. The 120-participant study will be taking place at more than 30 sites. Data and… Continue reading Ophthotech Launching Human Study of Emerging Therapy for Stargardt Disease

New Discovery: Trigger for Macular Degeneration

Researchers at University of Virginia School of Medicine have discovered an important trigger for the inflammation causing macular degeneration. Dr. Jayakrishna Ambati, vice chairman for research in UVA’s Department of Ophthalmology and the founding director of UVA’s Center for Advanced Vision science, and Nagaraj Kerur, assistant professor in the Department of Ophthalmology, and their laboratories… Continue reading New Discovery: Trigger for Macular Degeneration

Vision impairment doesn’t preclude a love for fashion

  Emily Davidson was a college student when she realized there was a “huge misconception” about people with vision impairments.   As someone legally blind herself, she noticed that when sighted people saw the way she dressed they were surprised by her clothing choices and her “personal flare for bohemian style,” color coordination, and accessorizing. “It… Continue reading Vision impairment doesn’t preclude a love for fashion

Another reason to exercise–protecting your sight


Reprinted from news releases New Orleans — People who engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity may be able to significantly lower their risk of glaucoma, according to research presented at AAO 2017, the 121st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles reported a 73 percent decline… Continue reading Another reason to exercise–protecting your sight

New approach to managing dry eye approved by FDA

Having dry eye is frustrating for many, but scientists have come up with a promising new drug-free treatment. Earlier this year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved this medical device, and it is now available through prescription. The device is called TrueTear, and it is a handheld stimulator that is inserted into the nose… Continue reading New approach to managing dry eye approved by FDA

Can a New Type of Blood Test Identify Macular Degeneration Much Earlier? New Research Says Yes

The following blog is a repost from New research led by the AMD Center of Excellence at Harvard Medical School, the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital has used an emerging field of study, called “metabolomics” (explained below), to test patients’ blood and identify blood profiles that are associated with age-related macular… Continue reading Can a New Type of Blood Test Identify Macular Degeneration Much Earlier? New Research Says Yes