Ensight’s 10th Anniversary Celebration!

Ensight Skills Center celebrated 10 years of service to the low-vision community on August 21, 2011, by hosting a BBQ! The mission of Ensight is to provide visually impaired clients and their families with adaptive techniques, training, support, tools and products to maintain independent lifestyles and ensure safety in their home and workplace environments. Ensight… Continue reading Ensight’s 10th Anniversary Celebration!

10 Summer Safety Tips on How to Protect Your Vision

For more than a century, New Yorkers have trusted Lighthouse International, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to fighting vision loss. Our services help people prevent—and overcome the challenges of vision impairment. Here are some important summer safety tips to protect your vision: Always protect your eyes from the sun’s invisible harmful rays. Prolonged exposure to… Continue reading 10 Summer Safety Tips on How to Protect Your Vision