Ensight CEO Denny Moyer

Over the past 22 years Denny Moyer, founder and CEO of the Ensight Skills Center for Low Vision Rehabilitation and the Curtis Strong Center for Visually Impaired in Colorado, has won a number of awards and important recognition from some of Northern Colorado’s most notable figures and sources.  Click on the awards below to read more about… Continue reading Ensight CEO Denny Moyer

Excess Supplements for Vision May Cause Problems

Many older adults take nutritional supplements to prevent or slow vision loss. Eye doctors prescribing such supplements are influenced by results of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS2) where researchers found that patients at high risk for visual loss from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) who took Lutein (10 mg) and Zeaxanthin (2 mg) supplements reduced their… Continue reading Excess Supplements for Vision May Cause Problems

iPads and iPhones Can Replace Assistive Technology Devices

Image from TapTapSee.

If you have experienced vision loss and are in need of assistive technology aids, you may want to look into an iPad. These devices can serve as adjustable magnifiers, and, given their voice-over or zoom features, can provide help with a number of other activities including listening to weather reports, searching for a phone number,… Continue reading iPads and iPhones Can Replace Assistive Technology Devices

Halloween Eye Ball 2015

The Halloween Eye Ball is Ensight’s annual fundraiser gala that’s Halloween-themed and is held the Friday right before Halloween. Eye Ball 2015 marks the third anniversary of the ticketed event. In the past two years, more than 300 people have attended the event. The 2015 Halloween Eye Ball will be held at the Agave Room… Continue reading Halloween Eye Ball 2015

Halloween Eye Ball 2014: “A Night of Eye-llusion”

We hope you will join us at the second annual Halloween Eye Ball. This year’s festivities will begin the eve of October 24th. Costumes are encouraged! There will be a costume contest so please, get creative! Official invitations will soon be released. So plan to join us … if you dare. Thank you to our… Continue reading Halloween Eye Ball 2014: “A Night of Eye-llusion”

November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month!

Diabetic eye disease is a leading cause of blindness and vision loss. Because of the high risk for this eye disease, all people with diabetes aged 30 and older should receive an annual dilated eye exam. For people with diabetes younger than 30, an annual dilated exam is recommended after they have had diabetes for… Continue reading November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month!

Ensight’s 10th Anniversary Celebration!

Ensight Skills Center celebrated 10 years of service to the low-vision community on August 21, 2011, by hosting a BBQ! The mission of Ensight is to provide visually impaired clients and their families with adaptive techniques, training, support, tools and products to maintain independent lifestyles and ensure safety in their home and workplace environments. Ensight… Continue reading Ensight’s 10th Anniversary Celebration!

Stargardt Disease Research

Stargardt Disease runs in my family. My mother, Denny, was diagnosed with Stargardt Disease when she was 25-years-old. The research being done is fanatastic, and maybe they will know how to repair the damage from Macular Degeneration in the near-future. Below is a great article about gene therapy being used for Stargardt Disease and Age-Related… Continue reading Stargardt Disease Research

10 Summer Safety Tips on How to Protect Your Vision

For more than a century, New Yorkers have trusted Lighthouse International, a leading non-profit organization dedicated to fighting vision loss. Our services help people prevent—and overcome the challenges of vision impairment. Here are some important summer safety tips to protect your vision: Always protect your eyes from the sun’s invisible harmful rays. Prolonged exposure to… Continue reading 10 Summer Safety Tips on How to Protect Your Vision

June is Cataracts Awareness Month

This is what someone with cataracts might see.

A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye that affects vision. Most cataracts are related to aging. Cataracts are very common in older people. By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery. A cataract can occur in either or both eyes. It… Continue reading June is Cataracts Awareness Month

Depression, Vision Loss and Vision Rehabilitation

Image from npr.com.

If you’re one of many older adults with vision loss who also experience depression, you’re not alone. While depression is not an inevitable consequence of vision impairment, it is common. An estimated one-third of older adults with vision loss report clinically significant depressive symptoms1. These may begin at the initial diagnosis of an eye disease, or they may appear many years later when vision problems worsen

Ensight Skills Center Celebrates 10 Years of Serving Coloradoans with Low Vision

Ensight staff in front of Fort Collins office

The Ensight Skills Center (ESC) which was founded on July 7, 2001 will be celebrating 10 years of service this July. It all began with a few visually impaired Lions: Carol Louks, Alan Beatty and Denny (Bettenhausen) Moyer, talking at a Fort Collins Lions Club meeting one day about how nice it would be for… Continue reading Ensight Skills Center Celebrates 10 Years of Serving Coloradoans with Low Vision

Our Wonderful Supporters: Lions Clubs of Colorado

We have so many wonderful supporters that help to keep Ensight going strong. First off, Ensight is a statewide Lions Club project. This means that we are lucky enough to have the encouragement and support of Lions Clubs all over Colorado. We exist because of the Lions Clubs. In fact, it was the Fort Collins… Continue reading Our Wonderful Supporters: Lions Clubs of Colorado